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We are offering a Teen Microwave Cooking Class on Friday, February 7th from 4:30PM - 5:30PM. The goal is to provide a space where our SCT teens can practice conversation skills with peers. We hope to offer it on the first Friday of each month. Sign up at the front desk if you are interested.
Congratulations to Zoey on graduating from occupational therapy! Zoey is now more willing to try a variety of foods and eats much more food in a shorter time than before. She is independent with dressing. Zoey has benefited much from her family following through with the home program and being present in sessions to collaborate. Congratulations Zoey!
This month’s sign of the month is “please.” Rub your open hand over your chest in a circular motion. You can demonstrate this sign to your child or use hand over hand assistance to guide their hands.
Sign language is a visual language that uses hands, movements, and facial expressions to communicate words. Sign language helps to facilitate and encourage language development by providing children earlier access to language. There are several advantages to early introduction of sign language in children including: improved social skills, increased confidence, and improved self esteem. For a preverbal child or a child with a speech delay, communicating through signs provides a means to express themselves which in turn helps them to avoid frustration and tantrums.
Drawing from “Baby Signing 1, 2, 3 The Easy-to-Use Illustrated Guide for Every Stage and Every Age” by Nancy Cadjan
Check out the amazing works of art that our clients have made in the past couple months! Creating art is a fun way to develop fine motor skills, eye hand coordination, visual perceptual skills, and problem solving skills. The Art Gallery wall is located in our Imagination Station. Congratulations to all our artists!
Happy Graduation Evie! Evie has been receiving occupational therapy services from South Coast therapy since she was a toddler. With her consistent attendance and much support from her loving family and therapists, she has made much progress with sensory regulation and her self care skills. We are very proud of you Evie!