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Rare Disease Day is celebrated on the last day of February each year. This is a day designed to raise awareness and improve access to diagnosis, treatment, and therapies for individuals with rare diseases. We are wearing jeans in support of our patients with rare genes and stripes to represent the zebra, the official symbol of rare diseases in the United States. #jeans4genes #showyourstripes #rarediseaseday

Thanks to AT for participating in our trial cooking class earlier this month! We worked out some logistical kinks and AT got to make 2 pink mug cakes with sprinkles and chocolate chips (their creation!). Best line from the class? Sharon says, "Cleaning is part of cooking. Come help me do the dishes." AT responds in disbelief, "Who me!?" They did great and helped with all the dishes. Next class will be on March 7th. Look for more info soon.

Congratulations, Kelly on graduating from occupational therapy! We are so proud of your accomplishments!

We are going to be highlighting some recent therapy graduates this week!
Congratulations Sebastian on graduating from occupational therapy! Keep up the good work at home!

For our February craft of the month we are making Tissue Paper Hearts! Materials: red, pink or other colored tissue paper, glue, heart template, and pencil. There are two options for this craft. Directions for Option One: 1) Rip tissue paper into small pieces. 2) Squeeze glue inside the red heart. 3) Place tissue paper on top of the glue. Directions for Option Two: 1) Wrap pieces of tissue paper onto the end of the pencil. 2) Dip tissue paper into glue. 3) Stamp tissue paper onto the heart with the pencil. This craft works on motor planning, bilateral coordination, grasp strength, tactile processing, and visual motor skills! Happy Valentine's Day. #Februarycrafts #Valentinescraft